In previous blog posts, I’ve mentioned that music often inspires my writing. When I first heard MercyMe’s song, To Not Worship You, it touched something deep in my soul. Though the songwriter expressed doubt about himself, he had none for God Omniscient, the One Who can move mountains and decide whether the stars will shine.

Mountains tremble. Stars go dark. The Red Sea parts. Inside a theater, you may have watched computer-generated special effects with Surround Sound in the reenactment of each supernatural event. Yet, only the Lord of lords could perform those miracles, then confirm them in His Word.

Psalm 19:1 – “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” Jehovah fashioned the sun and placed it in the center of our solar system. It is ninety-three million miles away and drives the seasons, ocean currents and weather. He knew just where to position the earth to cruise around the sun, so that life was sustainable. If it was much farther away, we would freeze to death; much closer and we could not survive the blasting heat. It is no accident the moon’s gravity holds our planet in place. The King of kings created the proper atmosphere for mankind to thrive.

God, the Artist, painted the stunning beauty of sunrise, sunset, and the rainbow of His promise. In an awe-inspiring display of imagination, He created uncommonly seen sun pillars, the Milky Way and the constellations that sparkle like diamonds upon a deep sapphire sky. Then there is the phenomenon of the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) that are a colorful dance of splendor; waves of mostly green, but also pink, purple and yellow.

Colossians 1: 15-16 – “For in him all things were created; things in heaven and on  earth, visible and invisible…all things have been created through him and for him.” With powerful telescopes, astronomers continue to discover new galaxies filled with billions of celestial bodies in our massive universe. Only the Lord of Hosts could fling stars, suns and moons across the black canvas of the atmosphere millions of light years away.

God, the Grand Designer, scooped up sand and earth and piled them into soaring mountains. Then He flooded the land with the sea and decided how far it ebbed and flowed. He molded crimson-colored rock formations, then planted them across expansive swaths of wilderness. Drawing His finger along desert floors, He carved mile-deep canyons, painted stripes of color along their walls, then decorated them with oases, rivers and cascading waterfalls.

Isaiah 55:9 – “For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts”.

Some claim there is a conflict between science/creation and the Bible. Our God, Defier of time and space, lives outside the boundaries of human intelligence. He did not consult astronomers, physicists, or mathematicians to bring the cosmos into existence. Before these philosophical studies were ever named, God formed the universe and blew the divine breath of life into Adam.

Psalm 56:8 – “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.”

Later in their melody, MercyMe’s songwriters are reminded of who they are because of Him; God Almighty, Who was and is and will always be. In all His glory, our Father is far beyond what our narrow minds can grasp.

Yet most profound is that the Creator of all things knows my name. And yours. I’m overwhelmed and humbled that He calls us His children and thinks of us as infinitely valued and eternally loved.


Elaine Hall


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