Terri began in 1994 by teaching God's Word in her home church in Hot Springs, Arkansas. From there, she has traveled extensively, throughout America, Asia, Africa and India, teaching the Bible in retreats, conferences and seminars.

Terri and her husband, Harvey, married in 1990. They each brought three children into the marriage, creating a blended family. As a Christian, Terri thought this would be easy. However, she was unprepared for the emotional issues which are common in stepfamilies. Additionally, Terri soon discovered how very few helpful resources were available to the church.
As their children grew and eventually moved out on their own, Terri encountered many other couples in similar situations. To this end, she decided to take what God had given her in the application of the Bible to her own blended family and wrote a book to help others. Terri’s book, Tying the Family Knot, was published by Broadman & Holman Publishing Co. in 2004.
Additionally, Terri wrote numerous family related articles in various national magazines such as Focus on the Family’s Thriving Family Magazine, Home Life, Parent Life, and others including a monthly column which ran seven years entitled The Right Blend, in Living With Teenagers Magazine (now called Parenting Teens Magazine, a Lifeway Publication.

As a woman, Terri Clark was passionate for ministry to women of all ages, backgrounds, social groups and cultures. This is where she began to answer the call of God on her life in 1994 by leading a Ladies Bible Study in her church. Terri led this Bible Study for seven years and, even though traveling extensively, she continued to serve in women’s ministry in her home church.
The release of Tying the Family Knot launched her blended family ministry. This included family conferences, seminars and workshops, as well as numerous radio interviews throughout the nation.
Terri offered a series of Tying the Family Knot seminars and workshops for parents, counselors, teachers, church leaders and anyone interested in learning more about blended families. Workshop topics ranged from “Perplexes of the Exes” to “Becoming One: The Blended Marriage.” Terri’s teaching offered practical advice for a blended family or anyone connected with a blended family to utilize.

Since her initial trip to Africa in 2001, TCM has partnered with Monique’s ministry to build a three story hospital in Ntinda, a city on the outskirts of Kampala. The Ray of Hope Medical Center has completed construction of the second floor, and construction is ongoing.
The child sponsorship program has enrolled over 500 needy children with over 200 of these sponsored by caring people from around the U.S.
In addition to the medical center and children’s sponsorship program, TCM is working in partnership with Monique’s husband, John Mubiru and his team of Ugandan Christians evangelizing and planting churches in the remote regions of Uganda. Because of the incredible need of the African people and the desire to follow the great commission given by our Lord, Jesus Christ, Terri Clark Ministries regularly led short-term mission teams to Uganda for Crusades, Pastors Conferences, Women’s Conferences, Medical Missions and other types of missions as the Lord leads.