GOD Bless(ed) America

In last month’s lesson I had made up an example of a “casual Christian”, one who believes, but is not a practicing Christian.  I thought it might expose a lot of people who attend church only occasionally and aren’t aware of the obligations and responsibilities that go along with being a disciple for Christ, such as tithing, making offerings, helping the less fortunate, regular church attendance, and telling others the Good News.  These people also take for granted that we have the freedom to worship any time, any day, and any place.  They probably aren’t aware of just how blessed they are, period. (Something I questioned myself, as I wrote it.)
And we Americans ARE BLESSED!  Sixty-five percent of Americans own a home.  And that home has wonderful amenities such as running water, heating and air conditioning, separate rooms, indoor plumbing, electric lights, cookstoves, etc.
That probably made you laugh, or smile, right?  I would have, too, but I remember when Terri Clark invited me to join a group going to Uganda where I saw actual “homes “that were merely mud huts with thatched roofs.  Seriously.  No amenities.  Dirt floors, doorways but no door, window openings but no window.  Just one room.
It surprised me to learn that mud huts were still common in Africa.  I had read about them, but was naive enough to think the world had become more civilized than what I had seen in my high school books so many years ago.
The following excerpt from this months “Voices of the Martyrs” magazine may change your perception of just how “civilized” parts of our world is, even today.

“Mariam and her husband had just finished their evening prayers and turned in for the night when members of the terrorist group al-Shabab broke into their home in Kenya.  The extremists killed her husband, and then tried unsuccessfully to force her and her daughter to convert to Islam. Though Miriam and the rest of her family managed to escape, the terrorists stole all their livestock and burned their home…”
“When Christians are confronted by Islamic extremists in Kenya, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, and elsewhere, God’s Word provides strength and comfort.”

This was the opening story, but the next page told of another incident very similar about the killing and persecution of Christians for their beliefs.  Unfortunately, these incidents are common – sometimes daily – in many parts of the world.
So much for the progress of civilization.
I pray that my faith is that strong, to stand in the face of death for me or a family member.  While here in the States we may not face death for our belief (another American Blessing), we are more and more being confronted for our Christian beliefs, and we should know what we would say.  Do You?  Be prepared, as I personally believe that day is not far off.
One of the reasons I go to church every Sunday is so that my faith will increase as I learn how much God loves me, and does so unconditionally.  He’s always with us, but in Ephesians 6 we are definitely warned to “put on the armor of God”.  Also, I give tithes and offerings, not only because God says to, but because I want to help missionaries around the world to be able to tell the Good News.  Many of these men and women do so at the risk of their lives, their families, and the loss of everything they own. And I’m prepared to witness about His forgiveness, His love, and the eternal life He promises, all through the sacrifice of His son Jesus Christ.
If you didn’t read the last lesson about the casual Christian, I ask you to do so, and consider if your worship sometimes comes too close to that description.  Or is your Christian life an earnest one, a true disciple, one whom God would be proud of?  If not, what do you need to change?  When we stand before Him on Judgement Day we will be held to His standards, and saying “everyone else did it” won’t cut it.
We need to realize how blessed our lives have been, especially considering how little we’ve done to deserve it.  I’m definitely on that list.  Acknowledging that, how can we NOT go to church on the Sabbath? The Bible says to “remember the Sabbath and keep it holy” numerous times, beginning in Exodus and repeated often in the New Testament.  I’ve learned that when God repeats something, it’s extremely important to Him.
How can we NOT give tithes and offerings to help support the missionaries around the world who are sharing the Good News?  How can we NOT take the time to pray for the safety of persecuted Christians who risk their lives daily staying true to their faith?
Truly, God has Blessed America, and for that we should thank Him every day. We need to acknowledge that all we have and all we have become are gifts from our loving God.   Knowing this, we should be more than willing to share from our bountiful Blessings.  We are Blessed to BE a Blessing to others, and that brings glory to God when given with a grateful heart.  2 Corinthians 9:7-15 will provide instruction about giving, and the glory it gives to God.

In His service, and yours,
Mike Jared, TCM board member

P.S.   Are you aware that for as little as $25 a month you can give a child in Uganda an education from grade school all the way through high school?  And Bible instruction is part of it.  There are few better feelings than reading letters from your kid(s) telling you how they have been Blessed by God, and by your gift.  We have even had our graduates turn around and support a child themselves, because they know the value of their education.    Does that deserve and AMEN?  YEAH!  PTL!



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